Happy Registered Dietitian Day! Did you even know there was such a thing? I really love being a dietitian. For a foodie like myself, it's a role that has combined hobby with work.
Annnnnd.... Did you know being a dietitian played an integral role in my relationship with Hubs? Yup. Most guys I met would stare blankly when I told them I was a dietitian (ok, so maybe I just met morons). Or they thought I just talked about food all day (which is only partly true!) Nope, not Keith. He looked me dead in the eye and said "So you know all about tube feeds and advancing them to goal?" HECK YES I DO! Never thought I'd be won over with enteral nutrition.
I hope everyone had a happy, healthy RD Day! Do your favorite dietitian a favor and follow her blog? Yes?
I can't wait till you post a vegan recipe! Hint, hint.